Code of ethics

Article 1: Definition

The collaborators of Prospectiva y Asuntos Públicos, S.C. (“Prospectiva”) aim at representing the interests of a company, a trade organization, an association or a public body before the public decision makers via the interchange of balanced information. The collaborators of Prospectiva advise companies, trade organization, associations or public bodies and offer strategic and operational support to guide them.

Professional practice

Article 2:

Professional statute

The collaborators of Prospectiva will operate within the scope established by the Company.

Article 3:

Professional integrity

Any criminal conviction or civil acts contrary to honor, ethics, honesty or morality prohibit from practicing lobbying and public affairs

Article 4:

Professional incompatibilities

The practice of lobbying and public affairs consultancy is strictly incompatible with any mandate elected at national or state levels, the employment at a cabinet , state congresses or any other public office

Article 5:

Corruption acts

All collaborators of Prospectiva will refrain from paying in cash or kind, promise any payment or fee, in any way -permanent, temporary or otherwise- to any public official elected or appointed at the three levels of government (federal, state and municipal). Regarding the tasks of specific knowledge of those who have served as public servants, the Prospectiva collaborators will comply with the applicable regulations.

Relationships with institutions

Article 6:

Transparency in contacts

The collaborators of Prospectiva will provide their identities and openly state the interests they represent when establishing contact with government officials and elected representatives.

Article 7:

Access to and circulation within institutions

The collaborators of Prospectiva do not require any special or privileged access to public authorities. However, when a voluntary register is set up by the congress or an institution at municipal, state or national levels, they will comply with the access and circulation rules established by the register, regardless of their incorporation to the said register.

Article 8:

Compliance with regulations and codes of conduct

The collaborators of Prospectiva will meet the bylaws of representative assemblies and institutions at national, and international levels. They will also subscribe to the principles of the codes of conduct that have been established, at the Chamber of Deputies, Senate, and Local Congresses. All recommendations issued by the related authorities regarding interest groups representatives and public service representatives will be considered. The collaborators of Prospectiva will be obliged to follow any ethical aspect, codes of ethics of the clients, and the Mexican anti-corruption legislation, as well as the FCPA, and the UK Bribery Act.

Article 9:

Official documents, conferences and events

The collaborators of Prospectiva will comply with the rules to obtain and distribute official documents. They will also refrain from using any official logo or reference to an institution for commercial purposes in the organization of conferences, meetings, clubs or events. The collaborators aim to guarantee a nonpartisan, evenhanded, transparent and fair approach in the registration or subscription requirements to the conferences, clubs and meetings each of them organizes.

Practice obligations

Article 10:

Conflict of interest

In case of a conflict of interest between clients on similar or competing objectives, the collaborators of Prospectiva commit to inform it

Article 11:


Due to the strategic nature of cases handled, the collaborators of Prospectiva are compelled to keep confidentiality and secrecy

Article 12:

Compliance with good practices, laws and regulations

The collaborators of Prospectiva will warn their clients when their objectives and the means to reach them are inappropriate or excessive, even though these might be compliant with existing rules and habits. When these are contrary to business best practices or to existing rules and regulations, they will notify the client and strictly abstain from contributing.

Article 13:

Integrity of the information transmitted

The collaborators of Prospectiva will commit to distribute or relay only honest and rigorous information available at the time, based on what their clients: companies, trade organizations, associations or public bodies have provided and shared

Article 14 : Compliance with the Code and possible sanctions

Each collaborator of Prospectiva commits to the principles enshrined in this Code in each of the tasks entrusted to him or her. Any breach of these principles is liable to a suspension or even to a cancellation of the contract.